Archive for March, 2006

SAS can increase your reach by helping you jump (JMP)

Tuesday, March 28th, 2006

Yesterday, I had a chance to wander the demo floor at this year’s SUGI (SAS Users Group International) conference in San Francisco. Eleanor Taylor of SAS’ marketing strategy group showed me around, making sure I had a chance to see some of the progress they’ve made since my visit to their campus in Cary, North […]

BI versus BA? Here we go again

Monday, March 6th, 2006

I received an email today from my friend and colleague Claudia Imhoff. She included a link to an article that appeared in the February 27, 2006 edition of CIO magazine, entitled “BI Versus BA: What’s the Difference?” This article opens with the following warning: “Don’t be fooled into thinking business intelligence necessarily includes analytics. Requirements […]