Archive for January, 2009

Horizon Graphs Revisited

Friday, January 16th, 2009

For the June/July issue of the Visual Business Intelligence Newsletter, I wrote an article titled “Time on the Horizon,” which featured a new time-series visualization called the horizon graph. Developed by Panopticon, horizon graphs can meaningfully display 50 or so full sets of time-series values on a single screen or page in a way that […]

Software Support for Bullet Graphs—An Increasingly Popular Means of Display

Thursday, January 8th, 2009

This blog entry was written by Bryan Pierce of Perceptual Edge. In January 2006, when Steve first introduced bullet graphs as a more effective alternative to circular gauges in his book, Information Dashboard Design, they were no more than a design concept that he created using Adobe Illustrator. There were no functional bullet graphs being […]