Archive for March, 2011

Pictures of the News: Malofiej 19 in Review

Wednesday, March 30th, 2011

I’ve just returned from a week in Pamplona, Spain. No, I didn’t run with the bulls, but I did something equally exciting: I deliberated with the judges at Malofiej 19, an international competition and summit dedicated to journalistic infographics. I and 9 other judges worked hard for 3½ days to review over 1,000 print entries […]

Old BI and the Challenge of Analytics

Monday, March 7th, 2011

I recently spoke at an event in Melbourne, Australia that was sponsored by Innogence, a consultancy that exclusively supports SAP business intelligence implementations. My presentation was followed by two others: one of Innogence’s customers described his experience of turning around an SAP Business Objects (hereafter referred to simply as SAP) implementation that was failing, and […]