Archive for March, 2008

A clear signal in the midst of Excel-generated noise

Monday, March 24th, 2008

Several months ago I received an email from a fellow named Michael Alexander who wanted my opinion of his technique for producing bullet graphs in Excel. We interacted a bit, and before long Michael mentioned that he was writing his second book for Wiley’s “…for Dummies” series, titled Excel 2007 Dashboards & Reports for Dummies. […]

Zen and the Art of Presentation

Thursday, March 20th, 2008

Garr Reynolds gets it! His new book Presentation Zen demonstrates this fact beautifully. He and I both strive to improve communication, largely through simplicity of design. He once promoted my work in his blog at (the most visited website on presentation design) and now I have the opportunity to return the favor, without reservation, […]