Archive for December, 2008

About Face — Returning BI to Its Roots

Friday, December 26th, 2008

In an article entitled “The Changing Face of Business Intelligence,” last month Dave Wells eloquently described how the business intelligence industry has strayed from its original vision and how it is now changing to recover what’s been lost. A longtime veteran of data warehousing and business intelligence, Wells is one of the leaders in the […]

Data Visualization and Analysis—BI’s Blind Spots

Monday, December 22nd, 2008

In September, I wrote a rather scathing review of a product called Lyza from a new business intelligence (BI) vendor named LyzaSoft. Part of my criticism was that LyzaSoft erroneously claimed that Lyza qualifies as data analysis and data visualization software. A month later, a good friend and respected colleague, Colin White, took issue with my […]