Archive for January, 2012

Boris, speak only of what you know

Tuesday, January 31st, 2012

Boris Evelson of Forrester Research has been singing off-key about data visualization recently and he doesn’t seem to realize that he’s tone deaf on this topic. Have you ever noticed that when people become recognized as experts in a particular field, they sometimes think this magically grants them expertise in other fields as well? Expertise […]

Alberto Cairo and Functional Art

Tuesday, January 24th, 2012

When I participated as a judge and speaker at last year’s Malofiej conference in Spain—the Oscars of journalistic infographics—I had a chance to become acquainted with Alberto Cairo, who has since become a trusted friend and colleague. I discovered while at the conference that it was a result of Alberto’s suggestion that I was invited […]

Data Visualization and the Placebo Effect

Monday, January 9th, 2012

I was listening to “Science Friday” on NPR last week and heard about the work of Ted Kaptchuk, Director of Harvard University’s Program in Placebo Studies and the Therapeutic Encounter. I was particularly interested in one of his studies that investigated placebo effects on asthma. This study tested physical effects of real medication vs. placebos […]