Archive for March, 2012

Dashboard Insight and the Objectivity of Sources

Monday, March 26th, 2012

When you’re looking for reliable information—especially guidance—pay close attention to the sources. Experience has taught me to approach information with a skeptical eye and to always identify and scrutinize the source. This has become especially important since the advent of the Internet. The anonymity of the Web makes it easy for people to claim expertise […]

Bret Victor and Guiding Principles

Thursday, March 8th, 2012

We often speak of finding and following our passions. Bret Victor, a talented data visualizer and deep thinker on many topics, believes in finding and following great ideas as guiding principles. I met Bret several years ago and became reacquainted with him and his work again this year. One of his recent projects was the […]

Tips About Data Science from SAP—Seriously?

Thursday, March 8th, 2012

When Business Intelligence software vendors that are to blame for keeping the information age advancing at a snail’s pace have the chutzpah to give advice about data science (the in-vogue term today for data sensemaking), I find it difficult to remain silent. The latest entry in the “Advice from the Clueless” category is an interview […]

Interactive Dynamics for Visual Analysis

Monday, March 5th, 2012

Jeff Heer of Stanford University and Ben Shneiderman of the University of Maryland have co-authored a wonderful new paper titled “Interactive Dynamics for Visual Analysis.” With so much emphasis today on the visualizations themselves, Jeff and Ben are encouraging us to also attend to the interactions with those visualizations that are required for effective analysis. […]