Archive for November, 2012

Big Data: A Pile of Nuts

Monday, November 12th, 2012

I visited the Sydney Museum of Contemporary Art yesterday. Among the many works—some marvelous, some not so much—one in particular caught my attention. It was titled something like “My life is nuts.” Here it is: This piece of art consists of a peanut for everyday that the artist has lived. It is a “work in […]

Big Data, Big Errors in Prediction: Nate Silver’s “The Signal and the Noise”

Monday, November 5th, 2012

I found a kindred spirit when I recently read Nate Silver’s new book The Signal and the Noise (Penguin Press, 2012). I want to give you a sense of the book and it’s powerful message by sharing a few excerpts from the introduction. This is a book about information, technology, and scientific progress. This is […]