Archive for October, 2013

A Template for Creating Cycle Plots in Excel

Wednesday, October 23rd, 2013

This blog entry was written by Bryan Pierce of Perceptual Edge. A cycle plot is a type of line graph that is useful for displaying cyclical patterns across time. Cycle plots were first created in 1978 by William Cleveland and his colleagues at Bell Labs. We published an article about them in 2008, written by […]

Chart Junk: A Magnet for Misguided Research

Friday, October 18th, 2013

Review of the Research Study “What Makes a Visualization Memorable?” Michelle Borkin, et. al. (Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences and MIT) No topic within the field of data visualization has created more heated debate over the years than that of “chart junk.” This is perhaps because, when Edward Tufte first introduced the concept, […]