University of Maryland’s Annual HCIL Symposium
If you subscribe to the Business Intelligence Network’s business intelligence newsletter, you have already noticed that in this month’s (April 2006) data visualization issue I’ve featured the work of University of Maryland professor Ben Shneiderman. No one has done more to promote information visualization research than Ben. The Human-Computer Interaction Lab (HCIL) that he founded at the University of Maryland over 20 years ago continues to produce some of the finest work in this field. Every year they showcase this work at their annual symposium and the next one is scheduled for June 1 and 2 at the Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center in College Park, Maryland. The first day will be filled with presentations and demonstrations and the second with tutorials and workshops. If you’re interested in seeing some of the cutting-edge work in information visualization, this is an event that you should consider. For more information, check out the HCIL symposium announcement directly.