Archive for November, 2007

Information visualization for the masses – the dialogue continues

Monday, November 26th, 2007

A few days ago in this blog I responded to critiques of my InfoVis 2007 capstone presentation that were published in other blogs by Mike Danziger and Joe Parry, who both attended the conference. Mike Danziger has graciously and thoughtfully continued this discussion in his own blog. Mike expressed his concern that readers not see […]

Responses to InfoVis 2007 — Differing opinions on how to promote our work

Monday, November 19th, 2007

Several people who attended the InfoVis 2007 conference and heard my capstone presentation, “InfoVis as Seen by the World Out There: 2007 in Review,” have written about it in blogs. I’m grateful for each of these responses, even when they disagree with me. One of my intentions in the capstone presentation was to stimulate discussion. […]

Tableau Desktop 3.5 — Once again, right on target

Wednesday, November 14th, 2007

I have reviewed every release of Tableau, beginning with version 1.0 and continuing now with the latest release, version 3.5. After recently being briefed on version 3.5 by the folks at Tableau, I concluded the meeting with the following statement: “You guys continue to amaze me with how many important features you’re able to address […] — In what respect is this venture wise?

Monday, November 12th, 2007

Around a year ago was the first “social visualization” (a.k.a. collaborative visualization) site to capture attention in the blogosphere. At about the same time, I learned about a similar site,, which is not as well known. Not long afterwards, emerged to set the standard for rich and meaningful collaborations between people about […]

InfoVis 2007 — An encouraging trend

Monday, November 5th, 2007

I just returned a few days ago from InfoVis 2007, the premier annual conference of the information visualization research community. After attending the conference last year, I gave it a mixed review in this blog. Despite many worthwhile research projects that were presented, many struck me as poorly designed and of no obvious benefit to […]