Archive for June, 2017

Basta, Big Data: It’s Time to Say Arrivederci

Tuesday, June 27th, 2017

One of my favorite Italian words is “basta,” followed by an exclamation point. No, basta does not mean “bastard”; it means “enough,” as in “I’ve had ENOUGH of you!” We’ve definitely had enough of Big Data. As a term, Big Data has been an utter failure. It has never managed to mean anything in particular. […]

Building Better BI

Wednesday, June 14th, 2017

I was recently made aware of an article about Business Intelligence (BI) that struck me as extraordinary and smart. The author, Paul Holland, is a BI consultant who has a great deal of real-world BI experience. In the article, he emphasizes the role of people rather than technologies in BI success, which is correct and […]