Archive for August, 2016

A Cauldron of Terminological Confusion

Wednesday, August 31st, 2016

As a data sensemaker and communicator, and also as a teacher, I strive for clarity. However, the field in which I work—data visualization—is a cauldron of terminological confusion. Is it a chart, graph, or plot? Is it a data visualization, information visualization, or infographic? Is it a report, dashboard, or an analytical display? None of […]

Statisticians, Remember Your Native Tongue

Thursday, August 25th, 2016

A common problem among many professions is the inability of expert practitioners to communicate with their clients. Attorneys are often guilty of speaking legalese to the folks that they represent, unaware that it is unfamiliar to them. Medical doctors sometimes struggle in the same way, even though their effectiveness relies on their ability to communicate […]

The Myth of Self-Service Analytics

Wednesday, August 17th, 2016

Exploring and analyzing data is not at all like pumping your own gas. We should all be grateful that when gas stations made the transition from full service to self service many years ago, they did not relegate auto repair to the realm of self service as well. Pumping your own gas involves a simple […]

The Myth of Expertise Transference

Friday, August 12th, 2016

During the long course of my professional life, I’ve observed a disturbing trend. People sometimes claim expertise in one field based on experience in another. This is a fallacious and deceitful claim. I have extensive experience in visual design, but I cannot claim expertise in architecture. Any building that I designed would most certainly crumble […]

Exploratory Data Analysis Tool Features: What’s Needed and What Should Be Left Out

Tuesday, August 9th, 2016

I’ve spent a great deal of time over the years, and especially during the last few months, thinking deeply about the role of technologies in exploratory data analysis. When we create technologies of all types, we should always think carefully about their effects. Typically, new technologies are created to solve particular problems or to satisfy […]