Alberto Cairo and Functional Art
When I participated as a judge and speaker at last year’s Malofiej conference in Spain—the Oscars of journalistic infographics—I had a chance to become acquainted with Alberto Cairo, who has since become a trusted friend and colleague. I discovered while at the conference that it was a result of Alberto’s suggestion that I was invited to attend. Alberto is one of the few infographic designers that I know who has a mature understanding of the work. Beginning as a journalist in Spain, Alberto approached the work first as a communicator, and second as a graphic designer. He has worked in various parts of the world for news publications and at universities where he has honed his craft and thought deeply about the principles and practices that make it effective. Now, after most recently working in Brazil, he is teaching in the United States for a second time at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in the Master of Arts in Technology and Communication program and also at the University of Miami where he works with communication and journalism students.
Mostly in response to his new book, The Functional Art, (so far only available in Spanish, but in the process of being translated into English) Alberto was recently interviewed for an article in the Velora Newsletter. If you’re interested in infographics, I encourage you to read it. Alberto’s thoughtful advice serves as a desperately needed voice of sanity in this time of infographicmania.
Take care,